Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The London post

Arrrghh, i feel so terribly behind on posts right now!
I shouldn't be, it's just that a lot of stuff is happening right now, and it's hard to keep up.
Oh my god, i sound like Nick now...
But fear not, this is what staycations are for. I will catch up with myself!

First up; London!
I am trying to divide pictures between my two blogs, so they both get a piece of the convention action.
Not that i took a lot of pictures; i was generally too busy, tired, bored or stressed to do that, but i got a few.

Allan's flash project was a huge success. Or at least to us it was, but i'm hoping the people who got tattooed liked it as well.
We've tried the walk-up/line-drawing concept before, but this time, with the flash actually painted, people really seemed to respond to it, so that was great.
And Allan got to work more and do way more tattoos than usual (his goal, not mine!), so i think this is what's gonna happen next year too. I don't have a lot of finished tattoo pictures, but Allan already posted them all on his blog, so just go check them out there.
Maybe next year he'll start painting a little sooner than a week before?
Just a thought....

 Setting up on thursday... our banner came out a little (read: a lot) bigger than intended

BBMF (best booth-mate forever) Chriss Dettmer's half of the table

Awkward tattooing


Allan and Kevin being all "grrr, metal"

Hand tattoo by Chriss Dettmer

Partying at the hotel means braiding Allan's hair!

Lies, straight from my instagram

Convention family having a tattoo party

Thanks to everyone who got tattooed, and to those who wanted to but didn't get in as well.
And thanks to our friends and clients for coming by the booth and hanging out when we didn't have time to come to them.
See you next year!


  1. Jeg elsker det billede af Allan! Selvom han prøver at se ond ud, har jeg bare lyst til at give ham et kram'!

  2. Sweet pics! That picture of Allan tattooing that guys calf had be laughing. For a split second it looked like he was tattooing the top os somebody's foot, and I was saying to myself " OH MY GOD THAT IS A HUGE FOOT!" Haha

  3. I don't even remember what I was going to say because I went back and looked at the "huge foot" picture and it totally does! hahaha

  4. I had to really force myself to see the foot, and it was hard cause i took the picture and i know exactly what it is, but then i scrolled down to crop it and then... GIANT FOOT!

  5. still sad I wasn't there.

    Next year, damnit!
